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New commercial success regarding the CEA’s ICPE 312 facility in Cadarache

The facility called “ICPE 312” is, as the name indicates, an ICPE: a French acronym that translates as a “facility identified for environmental protection”. Its main missions are the decontamination, sorting and reconditioning of low-level and very-low-level radioactive waste. The waste sent to the facility comes from research laboratories or is a result of decontamination and dismantling operations and must be packaged appropriately before being sent to the ANDRA (the French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency).
Onet Technologies will provide recommendations to the CEA’s waste producers regarding the management of their waste and will ensure proper administrative control of the packaged waste.
Our waste management team will also get involved with the ARIES measurement bench in order to supervise and measure the repackaged waste’s spectrometry. These measurements will be made after repackaging and before shipping to the ANDRA or to the ROTONDE facility, which stores packages before they are sent to the relevant repositories.
The team will also provide training to the waste treatment facility’s operators and manage the shipment of the packages.
This is definitely a big success and also a challenge for our waste management team. Thanks to our customer’s trust, Onet Technologies is able to take its place as a leader in nuclear facility and waste management.
- Onet Technologies Japan
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